
Süleymaniye a Game-changer

 Süleymaniye a Game-changer

In the layout of its streets, the typology of its buildings, the dynamics of its economy, and the socio-culture attributes of its inhabitants, every city district tells its own distinct story. And when this city district is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the story becomes one of the most enticing and unique in the urban history of cities.

This article sheds light on the story of Süleymaniye District – its past glory, declining history, and attempts for revival. It explores the district’s urban landscape as a manuscript on which layers of urban history – driven by different dynamics and factors – have been written, erased, and re-written.

In its first part, the piece discusses the factors inducing the aforementioned urban changes and the way they reflect in Süleymaniye District’s current urban landscape. In the second part, the article explores the power of tactical interventions in responding to the critical and challenging urban context of Süleymaniye District, and the means to achieving urban regeneration.

The article concludes by highlighting Dar’s edge in tailoring approaches and unveiling the potential of a district brimming with new sparks of life.

To read the full feature, click here


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